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As machines continue to learn faster and more efficiently, organisation and the workforce alike begin to anticipate a certain anxiety. How will people adapt, and how can we keep up?
With the 4th Industrial Age and digital disruption perpetually changing the way we live and interact, our century demands different competencies and skills to stay relevant, and to win, in the marketplace.
How can we, as humans, accelerate our learning?
DevelopforLife, or DFL for short, was formed to address the skills gap needed for employees and organisations to thrive in the future of work.

What if ?
Leaders have a data-driven methodology to make strategic decisions and prepare the organization for the future
Employees are engaged and motivated, while continuously developing skills to face disruption with confidence

Capabilities Expanding
Employees gain self-awareness while considering the trends of their industry to define the direction of their development and unleash inner motivation of sustained
self-directed learning.

Careers Evolving
Managers are supported through tools, insights and resources to coach their team's learning. Learning and development departments become strategic workforce architects to enable the organization's success.

Organizations Succeeding
Organizations understand the skills inventory in their organization while providing insight on industry trends to build a future-ready strategic workforce. it helps both organization leaders and employees thrive in the face of business chances and pressure.
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“It empowers people to better navigate their career development and learning. It also builds the habit to be curious and helps people see many options to learn and not just refer to the training calendar.”
Wendy Tai, Head of Talent and HRBP,
APAC, Food and Manufacturing MNC
what users say
“It empowers people to better navigate their career development and learning. It also builds the habit to be curious and helps people see many options to learn and not just refer to the training calendar.”
User Experience Manager, IT Consultancy
This tool drove me to think about what is important to me, I have never put words to it. I realise my areas of development. I know broadly the skills I need, but I have not thought about my behaviours."
Chief Innovation Officer, IT Consultancy

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